Juli 30, 2008


Zone 1 Hazardous Area

Ex Rubber Handlamp up to 250V
Bulb max 60W


Nordland flameproof pendants are for use in locations where the atmosphere is likely to be potentially explosive under normal operating conditions ie. zone 1.
Hydrogen: Not suitable for hydrogen atmospheres.

Series 100 and 200

Rating Ex d I/IIB T3-T6
IA No SABS S/05-494
Application restriction Mining Applications Underground
PNL100/1, PNL200/1 Cast Iron Body
Surface Industries only
PNL100/2 Aluminium Body

Series 300

Rating Ex ed IIC T3-T6
IA No SABS S/05-104
Application restriction
Surface industries only

NBP Series

This range of Bulkhead Luminaires has been designed for
hazardous Zone 2, 21 and 22 applications.
It can be used as a standard bulkhead, lowbayor streetlight
within the hazardous location.

Rated Ex nA II T3 and DIP A21, 22 T3
Rating IP 65

NHC Series

This luminaire range has a choke encapsulated in a spun aluminium choke pot. The high purity bright anodised spun aluminium refl ector incorporates a heat tempered armour plate glass carried in a silicone seal. This is spun into the refl ector to form an integral unit.

Rating: Ex n AR II T4 IP66
TAMB -20oC to 40 oC
IA No SAEx 05-070X
Rating: DIP A21, 22 TA = T4 IP66
IA No SAEx 05-070

NHP Series

Control gear housing in GRP. Suspension hooks carry the weight of the luminaire. Die cast aluminium lampholder assembly. The high purity bright anodised spun aluminium reß ector incorporates a heat tempered armour plate glass carried in a silicone seal. This is spun into the reß ector to form an
integral unit.

Rating: Ex nAR II T4 IP66
TAMB -20oC to 40 oC
IA No SAEx-S/03-038X
Rating: DIP A21, 22 TA = T4
IA No SAEx S/05-385X

NFP Series

This luminaire consists of two parts.
An exterior control-gear box and a separate lampholder/
refl ector compartment. The two units are assembled together
to form an integral unit.
Extreme temperature rises are limited by the separation of
control gear and lamp.
Lamps options are mercury vapour, metal halide, and high
pressure sodium 400 Watt, 250 Watt and 150 Watt HPS.
Rating Ex nAR II T3
DIP A21, 22 T3
Inspection Authority SAEx S/04-462 X

JBP Series

This luminaire range has a ß ame retardant body,
polycarbonate injection moulded lens with linear prisms, with
stainless steel clips.
Control gear is approved for Zone 2, 21 and 22 applications.
Available in twin and single 18, 36 and 58 Watt versions.
JBP Series
Rating Ex nA II T4 IP66
IA No SABS S/05-029
JBP/Em Series
Rating Ex nA II T4 IP66 DIP A21-T4
IA No SABS S/05-272
JBP/DIP Series
Rating DIP A21/22 TA T4 IP 66
IA No SABS S/04-111

N50 Series

This luminaire range has a deep drawn stainless steel body,
single piece pressed frame and stainless steel clips.
The 4mm thick lens is clear armour plate glass.
Control gear is approved for Zone 2 applications.
Available in single and twin lamp 18, 36 and 58Watt versions.
Inspection Authority No: S-XPL/04497B
Rated: Ex nA II T4 and DIP A21, 22 TA T4

NLE Series

This luminaire range has G13 lamp holders of special design
to allow the use of standard bi-pin lamps and is used with an
electronic control gear.
Rated 50-60Hz also DC with a nominal voltage of 230V.
Temperature rating T4, gas group II.
Optional extra: Isolating switch can be incorporated on the
control gear rail.
  • NLE 218
Rating Ex em II T4 Zone 1 IP66 (switched Ex emd)
  • NLE 236/258
Rating Ex emd II T4 Zone 1 IP66

N60 Series

This luminaire range has G13 lamp holders of special design
to allow the use of standard bi-pin lamps and is used with an
electronic control gear.
Rated 50-60Hz also DC with a nominal voltage of 230V.
Optional extra: Isolating switch can be incorporated on control
gear rail.
  • N60
Rating Ex em II T4 Zone 1 IP66 (switched Ex emd)
  • N60/Em
Rating Ex emd II T4 Zone 1 IP66
IA No SABS S/03-142